Korea Energy Agency Building Support Program


The program aims to promote the commercialization of newly developed renewable energy technologies by providing partial government subsidies for the installation of renewable energy facilities. Additionally, it seeks to stimulate the widespread adoption of commercialized technologies, fostering the creation and expansion of the renewable energy market.

What is the Building Support Program?

A large-scale distribution program targeting private users for commercialized renewable energy systems.


All buildings and facilities, except for those defined under Article 21 (housing) and Article 26 (buildings and facilities owned or managed by local governments) of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy’s regulations on the “Support for Renewable Energy Systems.”

Scope of Support

Category Support Scope
(Per Unit Project)
Support Budget
(Million KRW)
Subsidy Unit Price
(KRW, VAT Included)
Solar Power (Fixed) General 100kW or less 12,429 Standard Modules 741/kW
Low-Carbon Modules, 867/kW
Livestock Facilities Standard Modules 849/kW
Low-Carbon Modules 999/kW
Building-Integrated (BIPV) 7,868 Separate
Preferential support of up to 70%
(50% for roof installations, 70% for wall
Design Subsidies 337 Separate
at 3% of the total project cost, with a maximum limit of 25 million KRW.


Support program experts review and assist with the entire process, from application to approval and construction preparation.

Review, Application preparation

Conduct feasibility reviews, Prepare application documents

Submit the support program application

Submit to the Korea Energy Agency
The announcement by the review committee

Project selection and construction

Agency project approval, Construction preparation
Agency advance payment

Project completion

Facility installation verification
Subsidy disbursement

Public institution installation obligation program


Regarding buildings with a building area of ​​1,000 m2 or more that are newly built, expanded, or remodeled by public institutions such as the government or local governments.
Mandatory installation of new and renewable facilities to use energy supplied through new and renewable energy above a certain percentage Buildings subject to mandatory installation

Buildings subject to mandatory installation

Buildings are subject to the installation obligation if they are constructed, expanded, or remodeled with a total floor area of 1,000㎡ or more by an institution specified under Article 12(2) of the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Development, Utilization, and Supply, and fall under the designated use cases outlined in Article 15(1)(1) of the Act’s Enforcement Decree.
* All three criteria below must be met to qualify as an installation-required building.

Target Entities Criteria
Target Institutions (Building Owners) National and Local Governments
Public institutions as defined under Article 4 of the Act on the Management of Public Institutions
Government-funded institutions receiving annual contributions of 5 billion KRW or more from the government.
Government-invested companies as defined under Article 2(6) of the National Property Act Corporations in which local governments, public institutions, government-funded institutions, or government-invested companies hold an investment proportion or an amount specified specified
by Presidential Decree. (50% of paid-in capital)
Corporations with an investment of 5 billion KRW or more in paid-in capital.
Corporations established under special laws
Building Types Eligible for Renewable Energy Installation Cultural and assembly facilities, Religious facilities, Retail facilities, Transportation facilities, Medical facilities, Educational and research facilities, Facilities for older persons and children, Training facilities, Sports facilities, Office facilities, Accommodation facilities, Entertainment facilities, Correctional facilities (excluding military and defense facilities), Broadcasting and communication facilities, Cemetery-related facilities, Tourist rest facilities and funeral facilities
Total Floor Area of Eligible Buildings Each building being newly constructed, expanded, or remodeled must have a total floor area of
1,000㎡ or more.

Unit Energy Production and Source-specific Correction Factors

Renewable Energy Sources Unit Energy Production Source-specific Correction Factors
Solar power Fixed type 1,358 kWh/kW・yr 0.95
Tracking type 1,765 1.47
BIPV 923 6.12
Solar thermal Vacuum tube type 745 1.42
Geothermal, Vertically sealed type 864 1.26
Fuel cells PEMFC (using LNG as fuel)) 7,415 2.20

Business Procedures

Installation Plan Application

Submitted by the obligated institution

Review and Issuance of Results

Renewable Energy Center
Issues results within 30 days of application

Building Permit

Issued by the local government authority
Review results attached

Installation and Installation Verification Application

Obligated institution
Submit within 30 days after installation

Installation Verification

Renewable Energy Center

Issuance of Installation Verification Certificate

Renewable Energy Center
Issues within 15 days of application

Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB)

What is a Zero Energy Building (ZEB)?

A zero-energy building (ZEB) is a green building that minimizes the energy load required by the structure and uses renewable and new energy sources to reduce energy consumption.

Zero Energy Building (ZEB) Certification


The ZEB certification is awarded to green buildings that are designed to minimize the energy load required by the structure and to minimize energy consumption by utilizing new and renewable energy sources. The certification grades buildings from Level 1 to 5 based on their energy self-sufficiency rate.

Legal Basis

Article 17 of the “Green Building Promotion Act” (Certification of Building Energy Efficiency Grades and Zero Energy Buildings)
Article 12 of the Enforcement Decree of the “Green Building Promotion Act” (Target buildings for Certification of Building Energy Efficiency Grades and Zero Energy Buildings)
Rules on Certification of Building Energy Efficiency Grades and Zero Energy Buildings
(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) Standards for Certification of Building EnergyEfficiency Grades and Zero Energy Buildings

ZEB Certification Standards

Standard 01
Buildings must achieve an energy efficiency rating of 1++ or higher
Evaluated using the Building Energy Analysis Program (ECO2)
Residential: Less than 90 kWh/㎡, Non-residential: Less than 140 kWh/㎡
Standard 02
Energy self-sufficiency rate must be 20% or higher
Evaluation using the Building Energy Analysis Program (ECO2)
Percentage of Renewable Energy Production in Building Energy Consumption
Standard 03
Installation of BEMS or remote reading electronic meters
The checklist evaluates whether each item is applied
A system that measures and manages energy consumption in real-time

ZEB Certification Grades and Incentives

ZEB Rating Energy Self-Sufficiency Ratio Additional Construction Costs by Rating Relaxed Building Standards
1Rating Self-Sufficiency Ratio 100% ↑ 17.7% ↑ 15%
2Rating Self-Sufficiency Ratio 80% ~ 100% 14.8% ↑ 14%
3Rating Self-Sufficiency Ratio 60% ~ 80% 11.8% ↑ 13%
4Rating Self-Sufficiency Ratio 40% ~ 60% 8.6% ↑ 12%
5Rating Self-Sufficiency Ratio 20% ~ 40% 5.4% ↑ 11%

Acquisition Tax Reduction up to 20%

National Housing Fund Loan Limit Increase by 20%

Additional Points for Renewable Energy Installation Subsidies

Infrastructure Contribution Rate in Housing Construction Projects
Up to 15% Reduction

ZEB Mandatory Roadmap